8 years of experience in Canadian immigration law | +1-647-608-8177 | info@sokolovimmigration.com

Apply for Canadian Citizenship

Benefits of the Canadian Citizenship

Canadian citizenship has many beautiful benefits. As a Canadian citizen, you can participate in politics. It doesn't mean running for an office only! Now you may participate in voting and express your views on how the country should develop by giving your preferred party.

Becoming a Canadian citizen also entitles you to apply for jobs which require higher security clearance - well-paying government jobs, including federal government positions.

Canada allows dual and multiple citizenships. You do not have to renounce the citizenship of your country of origin, you can actually keep it and enjoy both citizenships!

Canadian citizens cannot be recognized admissible and, therefore, cannot be deported from the country. In our practice, we have seen permanent residents who have lived in Canada for 25 years come to us because they were recognized inadmissible and a deportation process was started.

Finally, Canadian passport provides you with visa-free or visa-on-arrival access to 183 countries and territories, putting it in the world's Top-10 in terms of travel freedom.

Canadian Citizenship Eligibility Criteria

To become a Canadian citizen you must first live in Canada for 3 out of the last 5 years. In addition, you have to meet the following criteria:
  • you must be a permanent resident of Canada
  • you must have filed your taxes for at least 3 of the last 5 years
  • pass an English test or complete a Canadian college / university program if you are 18 to 54 years old
  • pass the citizenship test.

How we can help with Canadian citizenship application

In our practice, we are seeing two types of Canadian citizenship applications. The first one is straightforward applications where individuals have mostly lived in Canada and it is not hard to calculate their residency in Canada. 

The second type of cases are individuals who often travel or whose compliance with permanent residency requirement must be proved must be proved because they might not have spent enough time in Canada.

To help you build a successful application for Canadian citizenship, we will:
  • Advise you if you are eligible to apply for Canadian citizenship by analyzing your comliance with all eligibility requirements
  • Complete all application forms 
  • Advise you on the support documents that you will need to provide
  • Prepare a legal submission with arguments for your case
  • Follow up your Canadian citizenship application until it is finalized.


4981 Bathurst St., Toronto, ON, M2R 1Y5, Canada

Vitaliy consults online — Zoom, Skype, WhatsApp etc.

Vitaliy consults after 7 PM EST and on the weekend.

Paid consultation options: 15 minutes, 30 minutes, and 1 hour.

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