8 years of experience in Canadian immigration law | +1-647-608-8177 | info@sokolovimmigration.com

Resume Canadian Citizenship

Eligibility to Resume Canadian Citizenship

If you gave up your Canadian citizenship in the past, you may be eligible to apply to resume it.

You will need to meet the following criteria:
  • your Canadian citizenship must not have been revoked
  • you must not be subject to removal order
  • you must have become a permanent resident after you lost your Canadian citizenship
  • you must have stayed in Canada as a permanent resident for at least 365 days in the last two years before your application
  • you must have filed at least one income tax for the year preceding the year of your application.

How we can help with resumption of Canadian citizenship application

To help you build a successful application for resumption of Canadian citizenship, we will:
  • Advise you if you are eligible to apply for resumption of Canadian citizenship by analyzing your case
  • Complete all application forms 
  • Advise you on the support documents that you will need to provide
  • Prepare a legal submission with arguments for your case
  • Follow up your Canadian citizenship resumption application until it is finalized.


4981 Bathurst St., Toronto, ON, M2R 1Y5, Canada

Vitaliy consults online — Zoom, Skype, WhatsApp etc.

Vitaliy consults after 7 PM EST and on the weekend.

Paid consultation options: 15 minutes, 30 minutes, and 1 hour.

Book your consultation in advance.

Free inquiries by email.

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