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Canadian Experience Class

About Canadian Experience Class Program

The Canadian Experience Class (CEC) is a program for skilled workers with Canadian work experience. This program runs through the Express Entry system and allows applicants to obtain the status of a permanent resident of Canada if their application is successful.

Eligibility for Canadian Experience Class

If you immigrate to Canada under CEC, you will be assessed through the Express Entry system. This means that you will be assigned a score based on your and your spouse's (if any) age, education, English / French proficiency, work experience, availability of a job offer (it is not mandatory) and many other factors.

You must have worked in Canada for at least one year in the last three years before you apply. This can be a full-time work or an equal amount in part-time work. Self-employment and work while being a student do not count. The work must have been a managerial one (skill level 0), a professional one (skill type A), or a technical one or one in skilled trades (skill type B).

If your job was in skill level 0 or skill type A, you must have a knowledge of either English or French at what's known in Canada as CLB Level 7. Let's take IELTS General English test as an example. Your IELTS General test results must show at least the following numbers: Speaking - 6; Listening - 6; Reading - 6; Writing - 6.

If your job was in skill type B, you must have a knowledge of either English or French at what's known in Canada as CLB Level 5. Let's take IELTS General English test as an example. Your IELTS General test results must show at least the following numbers: Speaking - 5; Listening - 5; Reading - 4; Writing - 5.

Remember these are minimum scores, it's better if you have better results.

You do not have to complete an Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) of your foreign diplomas. However, it is advisable to raise your score if your score is below the passing mark. if you have Canadian education, you do not have to do an ECA.

You must be admissible to Canada. It means that your medical, criminal, financial, and political background must not have major problems. If you committed a crime, it does not mean you are ineligible. We will have to look into the details of your crime to advise you if you might overcome this inadmissibility.

Canadian Experience Class Process at a Glance

  1. Accumulate  one year of work experience in Canada. Remember it can be a full-time job or a part-time job. You neet at least 1,560 hours before you apply.
  2. Take IELTS General (or CELPIP-G) test to learn your level of English (or TEF Canada / TCS Canada for the French Language). If you know both languages, take tests in both.
  3. At this point we should be able to give you a preliminary assessment of your CRS score. If your score is big enough or if we see that you may score higher to reach the required score, we will help you with evaluating your foreign education credentials.
  4. We will create an Express Entry profile for you and you will be scored against other candidates in the Express Entry pool. Canadian work experience will give you extra 70 points to your CRS score if you come with a spouse or 80 points if you apply as a single person.
  5. If you receive an Invitation to Apply (ITA) for Permanent Residence, we will have 60 days to apply for Permanent Residence. At that time, you will have to get a police clearance certificate and get your medicals done (unless you already have those). The police certificates are valid only for 6 months. Medical exams are valid for 12 months. You can either do the medical exam upfront or wait until you get instructions from IRCC.
  6. If you haven't done your biometrics yet, you will also have to do biometrics. This includes fingerprints and photograph.
  7. After your information is verified, you will get a Permanent Resident visa to travel to Canada and the Confirmation of Permanent Residence (CoPR) document, which you will bring with you to Canada, if you are abroad. If you are in Canada, you will be instructed where to go and obtain your "landing" documents.

How We Can Help You with CEC (Express Entry)

Express Entry applications, although designed to be fast and efficient, are still subject to all Canadian immigration laws (IRPA, IRPR, officers' manuals). If you provide incorrect information or forget to provide some information or don't provide information which you think is irrelevant, you might be banned from entering Canada for five years.

Immigration officers scrutinize your applications, going thoroughly through every field. If they turn down your application and don't give you a ban for five years, it still means that you will have to submit an Express Entry profile again. Scores tend to rise over time, and there are good chances you might not score enough to receive an invitation to apply for permanent residence.

For this reason, it is very important to do everything properly and correctly from the first try. Here's where we come in. We have the skills and the expertise to prepare your Express Entry profile in the proper way, so that in the future it doesn't contradict your application for permanent residence.

We know what the officers are looking for, and we know the red flags that can make them turn down your application. We will fill out all the forms in the right and correct way, and prepare the necessary supporting documents to make sure your case runs smoothly through the Canadian immigration system.


4981 Bathurst St., Toronto, ON, M2R 1Y5, Canada

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Paid consultation options: 15 minutes, 30 minutes, and 1 hour.

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