8 years of experience in Canadian immigration law | +1-647-608-8177 | info@sokolovimmigration.com

Response to Procedural Fairness Letters

About fairness letters

In many cases, before Canadian immigration authorities make a decision about your case, they will serve you with a fairness letter.

By serving you the fairness letter, the Canadian government gives you the right to respond to suspicions against you or a negative allegation against you. 

In this letter, you may be asked to provide certain documents or testimonials from those individuals who can come to your defense and say a word in your support.

What are the possible scenarios for a fairness letter?

You might receive a fairness letter if an immigration officer identifies inconsistencies in your application. The officer might suspect that it is your intention to deceive the authorities to gain an advantage. Before they make a negative decision, they might serve you with a letter requesting explanation.

Nature of relationship.
Here's a real-life example. A wife sponsors a husband to Canada. In Canada, she starts to mistrust her husband suspecting him of adultery and not sharing her romantic feelings. A wife writes a letter to immigration authorities to complain that he husband used her for immigration purposes only.

The immigration authorities serve the husband with a fairness letter where he is given a chance to explain himself and prove to immigration authorities that the allegations against him are not true.

A family applies for immigration to Canada. However, the officer is worried that one member of the family's medical condition might cause excessive pressure on the Canadian health care system. In other words, his or her treatment would cost too much for Canadian taxpayers. 

The officer will serve you with a fairness letter where you will be allowed to make submissions and to explain why you think there won't be any excessive burden on the Canadian health care system.

How we can help you with response to a fairness letter

To help you increase your chances for a positive decision regarding your case, we will:

  • Analyze why you received a fairness letter and assess your chances for a positive decision
  • Become your counsel of record and represent you for your legal matters
  • Maintain all correspondence with the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada on your behalf
  • Develop a case strategy
  • Advise you on the supporting documents to strengthen your fairness letter
  • Piece together all possible evidence to convince the decision-maker to make a positive decision
  • Follow up your case until it is resolved.


4981 Bathurst St., Toronto, ON, M2R 1Y5, Canada

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Vitaliy consults after 7 PM EST and on the weekend.

Paid consultation options: 15 minutes, 30 minutes, and 1 hour.

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